Digging in


Digging in: There is a ton of information available about neural retraining, and it can be hugely daunting to find somewhere to begin. It can also appear to be hugely expensive—but there are a ton of resources available for free as well, and some good support groups such as the “Neural Retraining Friends” group on Facebook. Here are some of the systems I have either found useful or known others to have success with:
Ashok Gupta’s Amygdala Retraining Technique
Irene Lyon’s 21 Day Nervous System Tuneup
Robert G. Smith’s Faster EFT/Eutaptics (free 7 day intro course)
Annie Hopper’s Dynamic Neural Retraining System
Judith Blackstone’s Realization Process
Brad Yates’ EFT videos on YouTube (free!)
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
Yoga Nidra – various practitioners on the Internet, but particularly Nirlipta Tuli at yoganidranetwork.org

Also invaluable:

weight training
daily walking
daily yoga (even if it’s minimal)
daily language lessons (Duolingo, 5 minutes is fine)
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