
Ever since our earliest ancestor took a stick and scratched it in the sand, and realized that this mark could represent something, we have been working this same magic. Betty Edwards’ book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, has been a huge healing resource for me. I first read the book as part of a college course over 20 years ago, but re-reading it this time helped me realize how I had disconnected from my intuition, and was suffering from that disconnection. In the book, she describes “R-mode” as being your creative, intuitive, right-side-of-the-brain function, and “L-mode” as your logical, systematic, left-side-of-the-brain function. To be able to draw a picture, and indeed to be able to live well as a human, you need these two modes to harmonize. The exercises in the book, particularly the “pure contour” exercises, help you re-establish connection and trust with your intuition. This is precisely what I needed. #blindcontours #contourdrawingshow

