
On being persistent:
It’s taken some courage to do this project. The perfectionist in me is disappointed every time I make a sketch and it doesn’t come out too well. But I’ve followed the rule I set for myself—post it anyway. There is a terrible tendency for us to over-curate our lives on social media, and then go around feeling bad about ourselves because we’re seeing everyone else’s highlight reel, and we’re exquisitely aware of how much our own lives don’t measure up to that. I’m guilty of this too, but not in these sketches.These sketches are a year’s worth of progress. At first the drawings are all over the place, some of them not resembling much at all, but relatively quickly they start to look like the people or characters they’re depicting. Eventually I let myself glance at the paper a few times to reposition my pencil point, in case I wandered off the page entirely, but that doesn’t correlate to how good the sketch is. If I’m having an off night, or I’m over-tired, or the planets or misaligned, it shows in the sketch, but I post it anyway. No do-overs. Every single sketch here is the first and last attempt. Perfection isn’t sacred, but routine sure is. #blindcontours #contourdrawingshow

