
The crisis hit mid-2017. I was bewildered. How did this happen to me? I was obese. I was anxious, depressed, and racked with pain. I had developed a tremor, and couldn’t hold a paintbrush or a pencil steady. I suffered a pulmonary embolism as a result of a DVT I’d gotten from a reaction to gadolinium contrast dye that they injected into me for an MRI of my brain to look at a tiny tumor on my pituitary gland, which they speculated (but couldn’t be sure) might be some kind of culprit for my misery. A second opinion endocrinologist told me that, with my sensitive veins and clotting history, it would be extremely unwise to even do a biopsy. And with that, my options in Western medicine were closed. I realized the rack of medications I was on, four times a day, seven days a week, were wrecking me. I had to get off all of it. #blindcontours #contourdrawingshow

